Refreshingly, now days we find quite a few compositions in contemporary music especially, reflecting shades of Indian classical music. Take for example, Albela sajan ayo from "Hum dil de chuke sanam",based on Raag Ahir BHairav or Rang Deeni sung by Kailesh Kher which is definately based on Raag Darbari Kanada, or Jiya Dhadak Dhadak, sung by Rahat Fateh Ali Khan in "Kalyug" which is based on Raag Bhoopali. Is this to suggest that we are finally going back to our roots? Hardly, I would say. But there definately an attempt to re-explore the golden raagas.
This brings us to the next question - Why are the old songs everlasting? Why do they affect us like no other melodies do? The reason is, almost all if not all were based on classical music, which from times immemorial, have been created to appeal to a particular emotion in our mind.When that happens, we become one with the music. For example, Raag Lalit, a morning Raag, explores the mood of uncertainity about the coming dawn while Raag Marwa too similarly appeals to our sense of apprahension of approaching dusk. Thus if you happen to catch a few bars of "Ek shahenshah ne banwa ke haseen Tajmahal" (Raag Lalit) at its appropriate time, there's every possibility that you will experience the oneness with the music!